Da Kaï, a one week expeditiion on a OC4 outrigger canoe

Da Kaï Expedition, the first journey of many

Rico Leroy, a WOO rider since its inception, and Sarah Burel, his partner for tandem surf (in which they were champions in 2009 and 2010) invite you to come aboard the Da Kaï for a one-week trip between the Médoc and the Landes regions of southwestern France. Have a look at the magnificent footage captured by Pierre Frechou in a film produced by Mr Ingals Film. Ready, steady, dream!

Posté par Fanny Ringrave

Fanny Ringrave

Chargée de Marketing chez Woo

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1 Commentaire(s)

  1. SASCommentaire posté le 27/07/2019 par SAS

    Love it. Would like to see the setup for the sail.

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